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Open Community · 1859 m?

Worn equipment of followers are visible in their Trade menu and can be manipulated. ?

Select NPC with console open, then type these commands in this order setrelationshiprank player 4 setplayerteammate 1 setconsolescopequest followers forcerefintoalias companion tai tcai tai tcai they will then be your follower. When in Breezehome, she sometimes gets stuck in a loop of sitting down in the chair in the bedroom and then standing up. Look for the Cell View window. )--Command Stop Fighting (Should followers start fighting among themselves this will shout them to a. If you want to make your follower completely standalone (having a custom body shape/texture, face shape/texture, etc), you'll have to create a custom race for your follower. does recom matter on golden necron Faendal is a Bosmer archer found in Riverwood. However, a crime can be pardoned twice if a hold is captured during the civil war and the new jarl appoints the player thane. Short console command description on how to make any NPC a follower. description say its not making distance between follower and player less, only changes distance between followers. Original outfit equipments are put into own inventory, and the outfit be registered to list of "Change the Outfit". actress in old navy commercial 2023 After much searching, this wait/follow dialogue command breakage (or "dialogue bug") is a known issue for Cicero and the two DB Initiate followers. Default is 20 (20 times as fast as real time). Rescue tamed creatures and recruit them as your trusted followers. (resurrect 1) with items (resurrect) without just remove "()" and make sure to click them Improve this. Enter player. Selecting to manage the follower will then open up the outfit and home dialogue options. single 48 inch bathroom vanity You can add shouts to your character using the console command addshout or player After learning a word you will need to unlock it in your skills menu using a dragon soul. ….

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